Wednesday, July 16, 2008

WEIO, It's All About the Ears

It's that time of the year. ABC is selling more ad space than the Superbowl, men and women are donning their favorite parkas and the nation is bracing itself for yet another World Eskimo-Indian Olympics.

Well, maybe not, but Fairbanks, Alaska, is abuzz with natives from across the country as they convene for perhaps some of the strangest athletic displays yet conceived. Events include the Four Man Carry, The Indian Stick Pull, The Eskimo Stick Pull, The High Kick and many others.

My personal favorite is the Ear Pull event. Competitors sit across from one another and a loop of twine is wrapped around each of their right ears. The whistle blows and both contestants pull their heads back, last contestant with an ear wins! If only Mike Tyson had been a native.

Another great event is the Knuckle Hop. A contestant lays prone and then must advance himself around a course only using his knuckles and toes to propel himself forward.

Check your local listings for times.


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